To Be Enough
Capstone Project
My Capstone Project is centered around self-perceived flaws that can morph into insecurities through comparison or judgement. In the reality that we currently live in, social media provides many outlets for comparison and promotes various unrealistic standards as the ideal. As social media continues to grow it is important to be aware of the idealization and staged quality of the images that are consumed through these platforms. In targeting the 16-22 age group which has the most frequent exposure with social media, my project will aim to break the idealized barrier that social media enforces as it advertises only the superficial image of people on social media. At the culmination of my project I will make several expressive clay sculptures that convey the emotion of self-doubt attached to having insecurities. Through compiling research from both popular and scholarly sources that encapsulate a variety of perspectives, I will ensure that I am beginning this project with a holistic view of the impact of insecurities. Informing myself with both researched data and the emotional repercussions of insecurities through first-hand accounts will be instrumental in the process of gaining inspiration while creating the series of clay sculptures.